Mobile construction site monitoring

Sage e-chantier Alobees is a web and mobile construction site monitoring software, which complements the Sage Batigest offering. Alobees centralises your construction site production monitoring on a single, fluid and efficient platform. It facilitates real-time communication, planning, time sheets management and task tracking, significantly increasing the profitability of your projects!

Overview Image


News feed

Construction sites are synchronised in real time with Batigest without the need to re-enter data. Fields are filled in automatically and each project contains a summary of key information from... show more

Construction sites are synchronised in real time with Batigest without the need to re-enter data. Fields are filled in automatically and each project contains a summary of key information from Batigest. Administrators and site supervisors can consult and modify site information at any time via the web or mobile interface, by adding photos, videos, comments, consulting a document, etc. In this way, everyone is involved in the life of the site. show less

Intervention planning management

Simple and user-friendly, the planning tool, available in web and mobile versions, is shared in real time between all users. Only administrators and works supervisors can modify it, depending on the... show more

Simple and user-friendly, the planning tool, available in web and mobile versions, is shared in real time between all users. Only administrators and works supervisors can modify it, depending on the rights they have been granted. The view can be configured by worker and by site. Workers can access their schedules in real time from their smartphones. All changes are notified to everyone involved on the site. show less

Sharing photos and videos

Batigest worksite documents can be accessed in real time from anywhere. They are automatically transferred to Sage e-chantier Alobees. Documents can be added from the web application on a PC. Access... show more

Batigest worksite documents can be accessed in real time from anywhere. They are automatically transferred to Sage e-chantier Alobees. Documents can be added from the web application on a PC. Access to files and documents is controlled and protected by defining roles and rights for each user. show less

Downloading and modifying timesheets

An essential part of the application, it enables site operatives to fill in the hours they have worked from their mobile phone, and thus obtain a time sheet for reporting purposes. You can set the... show more

An essential part of the application, it enables site operatives to fill in the hours they have worked from their mobile phone, and thus obtain a time sheet for reporting purposes. You can set the parameters for who can enter the hours: site manager, worker or site supervisor. The site manager can enter hours for his site workers. From the web interface, administrators and managers can view a summary of hours worked for each worker and each site. show less


Introduce automation to payroll preparation with a single click. Easily establish your payroll variables and maintain an overview of your company's profitability with detailed monitoring of your... show more

Introduce automation to payroll preparation with a single click. Easily establish your payroll variables and maintain an overview of your company's profitability with detailed monitoring of your budget and hours worked. Weekly and monthly summaries by employee. show less

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