Sage X3 Web Scheduling

Solution Web et Complète de planification avancée.

Multi-simulation analysis

It allows the creation of multiple scenarios based on different heuristics (i.e. different scheduling parameters and constraints) and supporting the what-if analysis. The planner can implement several heuristics: the scheduling settings allow the definition of scheduling horizon and frozen period, as well as additional important constraints management (such as materials, campaigns, teams and tools). • Execute different simulations of the production plan using the defined heuristics. • Automatically create a production plan by running the scheduling algorithm. • Compare, modify or delete simulations. • Analyze simulations to select the “best-fit” plan and view it in different formats: dedicated reports and graphical representations.

Multi-simulation analysis

Simulation analysis: Production plan gantt chart and detailed reports

A production plan Gantt chart shows all the scheduled orders loaded into the production plan including the tasks and production activities to be performed. Each bar in the Gantt chart represents a production operation scheduled for a specific resource. It can be graphically configured to show, in an easy-to-understand format, precise information relating to the production plan. For instance, it can show part numbers, campaigns, and delays as well as warnings related to potential constraints. You can select operations to automatically highlight dependencies with previous and following operations. For each operation a pop-up box supports the planner with additional detailed information as follows: • Order details. • Production details. • Material information

Simulation analysis: Production plan gantt chart and detailed reports

Manual Optimization

A user-friendly interface makes it easy for the planner to operate, schedule, and create. Simple drag and drop functionality enables easy adjustment to production plans. This functionality is also available in the production plan Gantt chart. For those who want to manually create schedules, the drag and drop functionality is also available between the Fishing Pond and the production plan Gantt chart. Other manual optimization features include: • Automatic, real-time configured constraint checking during manual modifications, for materials and tools. • Warning icons that signal planning and scheduling violations in the event of conflicts. • 'Forcing' toolbar allows a planner to easily override order sequences, operations size, start dates, and other information. • Optional scheduling algorithm re-runs to verify constraints and if necessary re-adjust the production plan.

Manual Optimization

Tools & Material Management

It supports the goals of the business and ensures delivery dates are met while using manufacturing resources as efficiently and effectively as possible. It manages production constraints in areas such as materials, and tools.

Tools & Material Management

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